Anne Higonnet
Art History
Office Hours
Anne Higonnet works on art since 1650, on childhood, and on collecting. She received her B.A. from Harvard in 1980 and her Ph.D. from Yale in 1988. Her work has been supported by Getty, Guggenheim, and Social Science Research Council fellowships, as well as by grants from the Mellon, Howard and Kress Foundations. She has published many essays, five print books, and two book-scale digital projects, is a prize-winning teacher, and lectures widely, including in the Live Arts program of the Met Museum. Most recently, she directed a website about the world’s rarest and most radical fashion plates: https://stylerevolution.github.io/.
Selected Publications
Liberty, Equality, Fashion; the Women Who Styled the French Revolution, Norton & Co., 2024.
A Museum of One's Own; Private Collecting, Public Gift, Periscope Publishing, 2009.
Lewis Carroll (Phaidon, 2008)
"Museum Sight." In Art and its Publics, ed. Andrew McClellan. Blackwell, 2003.
Pictures of Innocence: The History and Crisis of Ideal Childhood (Interplay), Thames & Hudson, 1998.
"Myths of Creation. Camille Claudel and Auguste Rodin." In Significant Others. eds. Isabelle de Courtivron & Whitney Chadwick, Thames & Hudson, 1993.
Essays on images. In Vol.s IV and V of The History of Women, eds. Michelle Perrot and Georges Duby, multiple American, European, and Asian editions, 1992-95.
Berthe Morisot's Images of Women. (Harvard University Press, 1992)
Berthe Morisot. A Biography. (multiple editions 1989-95)