00 Color Palette with Japanese Traditional Colors

Are you looking for color palette inspiration? This is a collection of ideas for color schemes using traditional Japanese colors. This board will help in your…
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Playing around with free color combinations using Japanese traditional colors. #japanesecolor #colorname #colorpalette

黒紅	kurobeni
高麗納戸	kourainando
蜂蜜色	hachimitsu iro
緋	ake
桑染	kuwazome
Creative Fusion of Japanese Colors 189
Playing around with free color combinations using Japanese traditional colors. #japanesecolor #colorname #colorpalette 黒紅 kurobeni 高麗納戸 kourainando 蜂蜜色 hachimitsu iro 緋 ake 桑染 kuwazome
Playing around with free color combinations using Japanese traditional colors. #japanesecolor #colorname #colorpalette

白花色	shirohana iro
青磁鼠	seiji nezu
若竹色	wakatake iro 
沈香茶	tonocha
鉄色	tetsu iro
Creative Fusion of Japanese Colors 188
Playing around with free color combinations using Japanese traditional colors. #japanesecolor #colorname #colorpalette 白花色 shirohana iro 青磁鼠 seiji nezu 若竹色 wakatake iro 沈香茶 tonocha 鉄色 tetsu iro
Playing around with free color combinations using Japanese traditional colors. #japanesecolor #colorname #colorpalette

鉄紺色	tekkon iro
青緑	aomidori
白緑	byakuroku
白練	shironeri
紅梅色	koubai iro
Creative Fusion of Japanese Colors 187
Playing around with free color combinations using Japanese traditional colors. #japanesecolor #colorname #colorpalette 鉄紺色 tekkon iro 青緑 aomidori 白緑 byakuroku 白練 shironeri 紅梅色 koubai iro
Playing around with free color combinations using Japanese traditional colors. #japanesecolor #colorname #colorpalette

水浅葱	mizuasagi
暗紅色	ankoushoku
黄橡	kitsurubami
蒸栗色	mushikuri iro
紅緋	benihi
Creative Fusion of Japanese Colors 186
Playing around with free color combinations using Japanese traditional colors. #japanesecolor #colorname #colorpalette 水浅葱 mizuasagi 暗紅色 ankoushoku 黄橡 kitsurubami 蒸栗色 mushikuri iro 紅緋 benihi
Playing around with free color combinations using Japanese traditional colors. #japanesecolor #colorname #colorpalette

枇杷茶	biwacha
蜂蜜色	hachimitsu iro
洒落柿	sharegaki
錆浅葱	sabiasagi
瓶覗	kamenozoki
Creative Fusion of Japanese Colors 185
Playing around with free color combinations using Japanese traditional colors. #japanesecolor #colorname #colorpalette 枇杷茶 biwacha 蜂蜜色 hachimitsu iro 洒落柿 sharegaki 錆浅葱 sabiasagi 瓶覗 kamenozoki
Playing around with free color combinations using Japanese traditional colors. #japanesecolor #colorname #colorpalette

宗伝唐茶	souden karacha
水がき	mizugaki
鴇羽色	tokiha iro
退紅	taikou
紫水晶	murasaki suishou
Creative Fusion of Japanese Colors 184
Playing around with free color combinations using Japanese traditional colors. #japanesecolor #colorname #colorpalette 宗伝唐茶 souden karacha 水がき mizugaki 鴇羽色 tokiha iro 退紅 taikou 紫水晶 murasaki suishou
the japanese traditional color chart for each type of item in this language, it is easy to read
Creative Fusion of Japanese Colors 183
Playing around with free color combinations using Japanese traditional colors. #japanesecolor #colorname #colorpalette 韓紅花 karakurenai 桑染 kuwazome 薄萌葱 usumoegi 蜂蜜色 hachimitsu iro 枇杷茶 biwacha
the japanese traditional color scheme is shown in different colors and font styles, including green, orange
Creative Fusion of Japanese Colors 182
Playing around with free color combinations using Japanese traditional colors. #japanesecolor #colorname #colorpalette 絹鼠 kinunezu 砂色 sunairo 山葵色 wasabi iro 水がき mizugaki 珊瑚朱色 sango shuiro
Playing around with free color combinations using Japanese traditional colors. #japanesecolor #colorname #colorpalette

梅紫	umemurasaki
浅紫	asamurasaki
白練	shironeri
中紅	nakabeni
山吹色	yamabuki iro Color
Creative Fusion of Japanese Colors 181
Playing around with free color combinations using Japanese traditional colors. #japanesecolor #colorname #colorpalette 梅紫 umemurasaki 浅紫 asamurasaki 白練 shironeri 中紅 nakabeni 山吹色 yamabuki iro
the japanese traditional color scheme is shown in two different colors, including pink and purple
Creative Fusion of Japanese Colors 180
Playing around with free color combinations using Japanese traditional colors. #japanesecolor #colorname #colorpalette 桜色 sakura iro 虹色 niji iro 浅紫 asamurasaki 鳩羽色 hatoba iro 鳩羽鼠 hatoba nezumi
the japanese traditional color scheme is shown in different colors and font styles, including blue, green
Creative Fusion of Japanese Colors 179
Playing around with free color combinations using Japanese traditional colors. #japanesecolor #colorname #colorpalette 鉄紺色 tekkon iro 舛花色 masuhana iro 錆青磁 sabiseiji 千草鼠 chitosenezu 長春色 choushun iro
the japanese traditional color scheme is shown in different colors and font styles, including black, white
Creative Fusion of Japanese Colors 178
Playing around with free color combinations using Japanese traditional colors. #japanesecolor #colorname #colorpalette 紫水晶 murasaki suishou 灰青 haiao 柳鼠 yanagi nezumi 千歳緑 chitose midori 黒紅 kurobeni
the japanese traditional color chart for each type of paintbrush, which includes different colors
Creative Fusion of Japanese Colors 177
Playing around with free color combinations using Japanese traditional colors. #japanesecolor #colorname #colorpalette 葡萄色 budou iro 萱草色 kanzou iro 紺桔梗 konkikyou 木賊色 tokusa iro 紫水晶 murasaki suishou
Playing around with free color combinations using Japanese traditional colors. #japanesecolor #colorname #colorpalette

桑染	kuwazome
深緋	kokiake
真朱	shinshu
虹色	niji iro
薄卵色	usutamago iro
Creative Fusion of Japanese Colors 176
Playing around with free color combinations using Japanese traditional colors. #japanesecolor #colorname #colorpalette 桑染 kuwazome 深緋 kokiake 真朱 shinshu 虹色 niji iro 薄卵色 usutamago iro
the japanese traditional color scheme is shown in different colors and font styles, including black, white
Creative Fusion of Japanese Colors 175
Playing around with free color combinations using Japanese traditional colors. #japanesecolor #colorname #colorpalette 鶸色 hiwairo 消炭色 keshizumiiro 白花色 shirohana iro 若芽色 wakame iro 紅緋 benihi