Grenoble Ecole de Management’s Post

📣 Grenoble Ecole de Management is thrilled to share the results of the Financial Times ranking for the 2023 edition of our Executive Master in Business Administration (EMBA) program!   🏆 Grenoble Ecole de Management ranks as follows:   ✅ 74th position globally among the 100 programs listed, marking a significant leap of +13 places compared to 2021. This reflects our steadfast commitment to academic excellence and our continuous commitment to progress. ✅ 36th position out of 49 European programs listed, with an impressive climb of +7 places from 2021, showcasing our growing influence on the European stage. ✅ 10th position among the 12 French EMBA programs listed. This signifies a notable progression of +2 places from 2021, solidifying our position of choice in the French landscape.   Our achievements extend beyond these rankings, with significant highlights:   💹 Salary Growth: this year, we have gained +13 points to reach an impressive 81% increase in salary growth between the program's entry point and three years after graduation. This underscores the substantial return on investment in our EMBA. 📚 Research: Our dedication to research has also been acknowledged with a notable advancement of +6 places, positioning us at the 80th rank worldwide. 🌍 International Mobility: Our program has achieved the 24th spot globally in terms of international mobility, showcasing the diverse opportunities we offer to our students.   More details about the ranking 👉 #WeAreGEM #Ranking #Proud

Another amazing international recognition ! Our #MBAAlumni are the best temperature guage of the quality and impact of our program. 13+ places internationally!

Sophie Almozini

Attachée de presse @Grenoble Ecole de Management - Press officer

Antoine L.

Head of IT procurement



AMB. Damali Ssali

Author. Uganda 🇺🇬 Ambassador UN Women's Entrepreneurship Day Organization. Alumna of Harvard Business School, Said Business School University of Oxford & Grenoble Business School. Expertise: finance, trade, innovation


Congratulations 🎊

Victoria Roe

Helping business schools to build powerful reputations


Really great news! Congratulations! Sophie Almozini

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