

If you ask a bunch of archaeologists to complete the sentence “F is for…”, some will say FINDS and others will say FIELDWORK.

While some do love one more than the other, loads of you have told us that you’d really like to do both. So guess what Venturer?

This June, we’re opening a summer fieldschool where you can choose finds, fieldwork, or a combination of the two!

Out in the field, you’ll dig and learn to unearth clues that will help us conclude the story of a tiny castle and its surrounding landscape.

And in the Finds Room, you’ll learn to examine Roman, medieval, and post-medieval finds and artefacts - and how to make sense of the evidence.

So if you haven’t yet signed up to do some archaeology with us this season, come and join us for fieldschool in June!

Because this summer, F is really for… FIELDSCHOOL.

☀️ Join us for Fieldschool

More for you…

And finally…

Ok ok there are lots of other things archaeologists might say ‘F is for…’ like

feature, fill, flint, flot, furtle, fossils, forensic, fibula, flake, fun and FRIDAY!

We’re up for hearing your favourite archaeology F words too (just don’t get too cheeky - we don’t need any swearwords!)

Big archaeological hugs,

We look forward to seeing you on site - or online - soon!

From all of us at DV

(including Ernie the site dog)

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