Money Nuts & Bolts

We Help Therapists in Private Practice Feel Calm & in Control of Their Finances

Do you feel like a 'Hot Mess' about Money?

I hear from therapists every other day, who struggle with their business finances because they keep getting stuck.

I know you’ve tried to work on your finances many times before, but it never sticks. 

And there’s a reason things aren’t changing for you…

It’s that Your Relationship to Money needs to change.

Our beliefs and emotions around money can be serious barriers to even *thinking* about starting to make changes in how we manage our finances.

In fact, without changing those beliefs and the emotions that go with them, making lasting change is damn near impossible.

I created this free mini training for therapists who are ready to work on their beliefs about money and open to changing their relationship to money.

This free mini-training is a quick, and POWERFUL, first step to building the new relationship with money that is essential to get your finances in order.

I’m excited for you to dive in and start changing your money mindset today!

Money Skills For Therapists


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