Fredrik Öst
If no one hates it, no one loves it. Make enemies.
In Episode #29 of One More Question, Ross is joined by Fredrik Öst, Founder and Creative Director at SNASK.
Who/What is SNASK? SNASK is an internationally renowned creative agency that makes kick-ass branding, design, and film. They’re your future romance. A creative agency of misfit geniuses conquering the world through fine lookin' design and real emotions.
Ross and Fredrik chat about why we shouldn’t be enslaved by data, why brands should write their own stories and act on them, and why they shouldn’t be afraid to make a few enemies.
I think that everything is a remix of something else. So we love to see when other agencies are similar to us because it only means that there are more people believing.
So they come to us with a brief — we always rewrite it. Most of the time, we make them realise that what you think you need is not what you need, or maybe that comes in stage three.
Companies love data these days. It's always like — Oh, it's gonna tell us the truth. But look at your marriage— do you want to use data for changing your marriage?
People in companies are afraid of making enemies with consumers. And they want fans. But they don't understand that in order to get fans you need enemies because you need to stand up for something. And when you stand up for something that you believe in, whether it's your private person or company, you will get enemies. But you will get the right kind of enemies, enemies that you don't want as fans anyway.
So, the thing for us is that if someone has a low budget, we demand creative freedom, we demand only one [revert].
It's super important that brands have opinions and stand up for them — as important as it is for private individuals to also have opinions voiced and publicly allowed. I think that it's the new era, and brands need to start caring, for real, about sustainability, people — employees, everyone — and I think that there's no shortcut, it's just start doing it now and you won't have so much work to do later.
More about SNASK
SNASK is your future romance. A creative agency of misfit geniuses conquering the world through fine lookin' design and real emotions. They think it’s a waste of time to worry about what people think of them — as long as they stay true to themselves, they are living their dream.
SNASK sees love as the only way forward, and they will never sell out or abandon their values. Standing up for their opinions and beliefs is the only way they know. They walk with their backs straight on the path to pursuing their truth. With one foot in front of the other, they seek to challenge conservative frameworks. They are doctors of disturbance, wizards of disruption and spokesmen of disobedience.
They assume responsibility to stay engaged, give a damn, and strive for empathy. This assumption of responsibility is encapsulated in one word: Love.
Show notes
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Season 03 of One More Question focuses on brands and, more importantly, brands that make an impact in people's lives.
This podcast came about because we want to share some of the best answers we have heard over the last 13 years. We talk to significant creators, experts and communicators we encounter and share useful insights, inspiration, and facts that make us stop and take note as we go about our work.
Hosted by our founder Ross Drakes.
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