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First Parish Milton - RE Registration 2022-2023
Welcome to First Parish in Milton's RE Program for the 2022-2023 year. Please take a moment to tell us a little more about you and your family so that we can fully include you in our Religious Exploration program.
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Family Adult Information
Tell us about you, the person filling out this form.
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Email address:
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Street Address:
Your answer
Home Phone:
Your answer
Cell Phone:
Your answer
Other Family Adult Names:
Your answer
Our Religious Exploration Program is a cooperative program that works best when many community adults contribute in some way. There are many ways to contribute to RE - if you are able to help, please let us know how you would like to be involved.
I would like to help teach an RE class.
I would be available as a substitute RE teacher.
I would like to assist with workshops or other one time special events.
I am not able to assist RE at this time..
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