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Laguna Niguel Youth Soccer Association

Coaching Requirements

Welcome LNYSA Coaches and thank you for volunteering to coach. If you have not already registered, pleases sign up below in Step1. We appreciate the hours and hard work you are going to put into your season. Our league would not be possible without you. Please read the entire document because some things apply to NEW coaches only, while others apply to everyone.

Items that NEED to be completed by the start of the season, unless noted otherwise:

A. Concussion Online Training
    The U.S. Soccer Grassroots 7v7, 9v9, 11v11 License has a safety module that covers this requirement. See below on how to get your license.  If you are a new coach to LNYSA, you MUST complete your Grassroots 7v7, 9v9, 11v11 License. 

B. Sudden Cardiac Arrest Online Training
The U.S. Soccer Grassroots 7v7, 9v9, 11v11 License has a safety module that covers this requirement. See below on how to get your license.  If you are a new coach to LNYSA, you MUST complete your Grassroots 7v7, 9v9, 11v11 License. 

C. SafeSport Online Training
    ALL coaches MUST complete online training and take "refresher" course each year.

D. Participate in Field Training
    New coaches are required to participate. Meeting information is published in NEWS section of our web site.

E. Live Scan
    Only needs to be completed once in your LNYSA coaching career

F. Mandated Reporter
Complete the Mandated Reporter online training. Please register as SPORTS AND REC VOLUNTEERS 
 Click HERE to complete the course. 


Step1 Register to Coach

Register Now

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

Step 2 - Intro to Grassroots

As a coach you need to get a Coach license. The U.S Soccer Grassroots license is an online course offered on the U.S. Soccer Learning Center. 

                                  "LEARN THE VALUE OF THE PLAY / PRACTICE / PLAY COACHING METHOD" 

Once you have created an account on the Learning Center please take the “Introduction to Grassroots Coaching” online course. This free introductory module, which represents the first step in the newly revised coaching license pathway, is now the general starting point of the pathway and is the required prerequisite to undergo any of U.S. Soccer’s Grassroots Licensing Courses. Coaches who complete the module will also be provided with four complimentary Play-Practice-Play training sessions. The module takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.

The Next Step is to send an email to Calsouth requesting  a free code for  your Grassroots Licensing Course (7v7, 9v9, 11v11) 

Login to the the Learning Center here
Create an Account (if you do not have one) 
Take the Intro Course
Then Email LNYSA for the Code to get access to Grassroots Licensing Course (7v7, 9v9, 11v11) for Free (included a safety course covering concussion & sudden cardiac arrest requirements) 

Step 3 Get a Grassroots License

TAKE YOUR ONLINE Grassroots License 

      7v7 Course                9v9 Course                     11v11 Course

Step 4 Complete your SafeSport Requirement

Safe Sport OnlineTraining/Certificate:

SafeSport is the Olympic community's initiative to recognize, reduce and respond to misconduct in sport. The required SafeSport Training (approximately 90 minutes).  The certificate is valid for 11 months and then you will need to take the "refresher" course. (approximately 20 minutes)  Make sure you download and keep a copy of your completion certificate for your records.

For Returning Coaches - SafeSport Training – Click here

SafeSport has a new platform. You will need to transfer your previous trainings first. Do NOT create a new/duplicate profile.
1- Click on “Login” on the top right corner
2- Click on “Forgot Password”
3- Check your email to click on the reset link they will send.
4- Locate the refresher training you can take under “My Courses”.

For New Coaches - SafeSport Training – Click here

1- Click on “Enrollment Key”
2- Enter Key Name - JJFAQsQPWNRj01edWcPr
3- Complete information on that “Sign Up” page.
4- Select “Catalog”.
5- Click on the start button for “SafeSport Trained – US Soccer Federation”
6- Upload your certificate into your profiles or email it to us so we can do that for you.

Screen on SafeSport site after login should appear as this: 

STEP 5 Participate in the Field Training

New coaches to participate in the Field Training session (3 hrs). Check the LNYSA events and the calendar for the exact date and location of this event. Live Scan (Step 6) will be provided during this session as well.

Step 6 Completing Livescan

Complete your LiveScan Application:
All volunteers (coaches, referees, board members) must go through the Live Scan application and fingerprinting process. You only need to do this ONCE and we will have your coach record updated on the Calsouth membership platform.  We invite the Livescan team to Coach events and coach meetings so check with to check if they will be at a meeting in the near future otherwise you can go to their offices in Aliso Viejo. 

To complete your Livescan Application please CLICK HERE, fill it out and print TWO copies prior to attending a Live Scan session or before going to the Live Scan processing center at 6 Journey, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 

Secure LiveScan  
Suite 270
6 Journey, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 

M-Th  10-5PM
Friday 10-2PM

Remember to bring the Cal South Live Scan application along with a government issued photo identification


Laguna Niguel Youth Soccer Association

30025 Alicia Parkway, #188
Laguna Niguel, California 92677

Phone: 877-385-6972

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