Warning! Gen Z at work

What does TikTok’s trend for ‘acting your wage’ say about 20-somethings in the office? Georgina Roberts, 26, reveals all
Georgina Roberts: “For many my age and younger, the office has a big novelty factor”
Georgina Roberts: “For many my age and younger, the office has a big novelty factor”


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I was sitting at my desk in the office on Friday morning when my phone pinged with a voice note from two of my friends. “Oh my God, we’ve been out partying till 8am. We haven’t slept. We’ve both called in sick to work,” they screeched into the phone, laughing.

One of the friends, who works in film, had sent her boss a frank (and drunken) email that morning. It read: “I could make up a lie and pretend that my granny is seriously ill. But I’m going to be honest and level with you. I’ve not been home yet. I’m not in a state to work.” Surprisingly, her boss replied and said that she appreciated her honesty.

You could say that my two 26-year-old