Wallops Flight Facility
NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility provides agile, low-cost flight and launch range services to meet government and commercial sector needs for accessing flight regimes worldwide from the Earth’s surface to the moon and beyond.
Wallops Island, Virginia
May 7, 1945
David Pierce
Wallops Launch Schedule
Check out the latest launches supported by Wallops.
Explore about Wallops Launch Schedule
What We Do at Wallops
Wallops provides many different suborbital platforms for science and technology research.
Visit Wallops
Explore exhibits of spacecraft and technology at the Wallops Visitor Center in Wallops Island, Virginia.
Explore the Wallops Visitor Center about Visit Wallops
Goddard Facilities
Wallops Flight Facility
75 Years of Exploration and Technology Development
Since its first rocket launch on June 27, 1945
Wallops has grown from a small test range for guided missile research to supporting aerospace and science exploration and technology development world-wide as NASA’s premier location for suborbital and small orbital activities.
Wallops History about 75 Years of Exploration and Technology Development