We specialize in treating depression, anxiety and PTSD using the transformative power of psychedelic medicine.

Connect deeply to your own healing wisdom with psychedelic medication in combination with live meditative music and intentional breathing.

Experience rapid improvement in your well-being in a safe, private, and comfortable setting. You will be carefully prepared and guided on your journey by a physician. Embark on a meaningful path towards a more harmonious life in the safest possible modern medical environment.


What is psychedelic medicine?

Psychedelic medicine is a new way of understanding and treating mental health.

Psychedelic medications affect neuronal systems much like traditional psychiatric medications, but they work much faster and in more specific areas of the brain.

Science has shown that psychedelic medications can rewire brain circuits, promoting new and healthier connections between areas of the brain responsible for emotion, memory, motivation, thinking, attention, and more.

Additionally, the psychedelic aspect of our process opens the doorway to directly experiencing a new sense of self. This may include an expanded range of emotion, feelings of acceptance, connectedness, and even transcendence. The insights from a session can provide you with valuable content and skills to reflect on and develop throughout the integration process.

By considering mind, body and spirit as integral components of well-being, this holistic approach to medicine can help create a life in harmony.

What’s the process?

There are four phases to the psychedelic medicine journey:

  • Once you contact us and space becomes available, we will send you intake and release of medical records forms to determine your eligibility for treatment. Upon confirmation of eligibility, we will schedule an intake and preparation visit at the clinic (or remotely as needed for out-of-town clients). This visit is approximately 1.5 hours and costs $235.

  • Preparation is unique to each person and may include setting an intention, visiting our space, meeting with an integrator, creating adequate time in your schedule for treatment sessions and integration, and setting up your aftercare environment. We make recommendations specific to your health status and goals.

  • Every session begins with meditation, music, and breathing to help you enter a receptive state. Plan to be on site for 3-4 hours. After the journey, you will be offered water or tea with time to process the experience. You cannot drive or work after a session and will benefit from rest, reflection, creative activities, and/or contact with nature.

  • Integration is a long-term collaborative process with a guide who will help you apply insights and other shifts from the medicine journey into the whole of your life. We coordinate your medicine journeys and integration sessions to help maximize the benefits of both.


Welcome altar at Cascade Psychedelic Medicine


"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."

— Albert Einstein