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Acorn Veterinary Clinic
(530) 753-7580

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Icon w/flea and text: Fleas: spreading disease and itchiness.

Fleas may be the most well-known and notorious of parasites -- the A-listers of the pest red carpet, if you will. Everyone knows flea bites can be itchy and irritating, but fleas are much more than an uncomfortable nuisance - they can cause serious health issues and even death.
Cute brown tabby cat scratching at self.
  • Fleas bite animals to get themselves a blood meal, and blood loss can lead to life-threatening anemia.  
  • Severe itchiness, hair loss, hot spots, and even skin infections can stem from flea bites.  
  • Fleas can also transmit tapeworms and Bartonella, a bacterium responsible for several diseases affecting dogs, cats, and humans. 
Flea Fact: Only pets who are actually allergic to flea bites will itch from their fleas, so don't assume your pet is in the clear if you don't see them scratching. 

Click here to learn more about fleas.
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Cute Beagle scratching at itself. Icon w/tick and text: Ticks: blood-sucking arthropods.Ticks are real dine-on-the-one-you're-with types, and their generosity extends to the diseases they spread -- and not just to pets, but to people, too. These equal opportunity feeders prefer mammals, so with pets and their people sharing close living space, ticks on your pet often ultimately means ticks on you, too. Yikes!
Tick Tip: Ticks are serious multipliers. Some species lay 100 eggs at a time while others can lay 3,000 to 6,000 per batch. Talk about fertile little buggers!

Click here to learn more about ticks.
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Icon w/worm and text: Intestinal parasites: pets & people at risk.

Intestinal parasites tend to receive less press than fleas and ticks, but they're equally dastardly. They pose significant threats to just about everyone in the household, furry and not, making them zoonotic. Children especially are at risk, so a good parasite prevention program will protect pets and kids alike.
Little girl napping next to Golden retriever, sweet moment.
  • Roundworms and hookworms are two nasty characters who enjoy feasting on both pets and people, leaving a trail of physical devastation in their wake. 
Worm Wisdom: Fortunately, many veterinarian-recommended heartworm preventatives also treat and control hookworms, roundworms, and other zoonotic parasites. This means protecting your pet from heartworms can also mean protecting your entire family from those villains! 

Click here to learn more about roundworms and hookworms.
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Cute Jack Russell Terrier with red heart appliques on body. Icon w/mosquito and text: Heartworm: the deadliest horror.Heartworm disease is devastating for veterinary professionals to see. With a wide array of safe and effective heartworm prevention products available, it's very easy to prevent this disease which is deadly for both dogs and cats. The same can't be said for treatment once infected.
  • Mosquitoes spread heartworm larvae from one infected animal to another via their bites. Those larvae then migrate through the pet's bloodstream as they grow, invading and severely damaging the heart, lungs, and pulmonary arteries. 
  • Dogs can be treated for heartworm, but treatment is difficult on both dog and owner. Cats cannot be cured of heartworm infection. Lifelong medical management of the resulting conditions is the best we can offer. 
Heartworm Hint: Because heartworm disease is so dangerous to pets and so difficult to treat and/or manage, preventing it in the first place is the best path.

Click here to learn more about heartworm disease in dogs.
Click here to learn more about heartworm disease in cats.
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Infographic: The Heartache of Heartworm Disease.
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Icon w/unicorn: Indoor pets are not parasite-proof.

Indoor pets, especially those of the feline persuasian, can get overlooked when it comes to parasite prevention. While it would be gracious of parasites to respect our personal space and stay outside, they go where the food is. Parasites are skilled at hitchhiking and sneaking their way indoors
Pampered pets - Afghan hound mix and brown tabby hanging out inside home.
Stop the crawling terror! graphic.
It's a scary story, but with a potentially happy ending, because protecting your pet from parasites is easier and safer than ever. We have everything you need to keep your pet safe from the crawling terror! From parasite testing to providing the best parasite prevention plan for your pet's needs and your lifestyle, we've got you covered. Click here or call us at (530) 753-7580 to order parasite prevention for your pet today. 

Your friends at Acorn Veterinary Clinic
Thank you for trusting Acorn Veterinary Clinic with the care of your pet's health.
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 (800) 454-0576)
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