Posting on LinkedIn - Best Practices for 2022

Posting on LinkedIn - Best Practices for 2022

As a social media platform, LinkedIn has been consistently growing. Business owners, employees, and freelancers post regularly on LinkedIn, making it an incredible business-to-business (B2B) platform. On LinkedIn, you can connect with industry professionals, recruit new talent for your growing business, and make relationships across niches.

With growing popularity comes an almost overwhelming amount of content, so it can be difficult to stand out on LinkedIn. In 2022, it’s important to know what strategies to use on LinkedIn. Here are some best practices for posting on LinkedIn in 2022 -

Be Confident in Your Audience

Before you post regularly on LinkedIn, you need to know who your target audience is. What habits do they have? When are they most likely to be active on LinkedIn?

Katie’s Tip: Use LinkedIn’s Website Demographics tool to see what kind of visitors are coming to your website.

When you can confidently identify the people you want to target, you can create content that speaks to them. If you don’t understand your audience, you can completely miss the mark with your posts! It’s simpler to come up with content ideas when you know who you’re targeting.

Katie’s Tip: Find your community! Follow industry leaders, conversate and comment. Increase your visibility organically. Join relevant groups and follow hashtags.

What to Post on LinkedIn

It’s easy to play the comparison game and worry about what everyone else is doing, but don’t get caught up in this. If you’re going to pay attention to what others are doing, be productive about it. What gets them engagement? What content fizzles out? Use it as research you can apply to your posts.

If you have a team, encourage your employees to post content. Welcome new employees, celebrate birthdays, and post about milestones and brand anniversaries. Celebrate the work of your employees! And be sure to post about any recognition you receive, awards you’re nominated for or have won.

Katie’s Tip: People want to do business with other people, so show them you care about the human element of your business. Show off the positive things you’re doing in your community.

Posting educational content or about the ins and outs of your business is a wonderful way to engage with potential clients and customers, as well as the broader LinkedIn community. Be sure to link to relevant data or research so your audience knows you have real expertise and that there’s solid information backing up what you say. No one wants to read forever, though, so consider using small, digestible pieces of information like eye-catching infographics and charts, standout headlines, or videos. Have a little fun with it and stop the scroll! It all comes back to being a thought leader and creating a community you want to engage with and are proud of.

LinkedIn Best Practices in 2022

Be Personable

The posts that perform the best aren’t typically self-promotional. People want to know that your brand has a personality. Connection goes far when it comes to building a community that will engage with your posts.

A little self-promotion is okay and even necessary, but keep it to a minimum. Be sure your calls to action are engaging and that your profile is up to date.


Building a community around your audience and clients is so important to being effective on LinkedIn. Always reply to comments, and make sure your tone is authentic and consistent - not only on LinkedIn but across social media. A single voice allows people to get to know your brand better.

Make Your Content Easy to Read

Bullet points or smaller paragraphs pique people’s interest, so make sure your posts are formatted in a way that will make people want to click on that ‘read more’ button. 

Be Consistent

Consistency is maybe the most important practice on any social media platform. Why do all that research on target audiences, hashtags, successful content, etc. if you don’t have a regular posting schedule? Post regularly and when your audience is online.

Katie’s Tip: Whether you post every day or once a week, find a schedule that works for you and that you can stick to. Consistency!

Post Valuable Content

Each post should contain a challenge, opportunity, or benefit to your audience (with a few exceptions - like celebratory posts). If you’re just getting started on LinkedIn, where appropriate, ask family, friends, team members, and industry peers to share it and react to it so your engagement grows. Value is important. Posting valuable content shows your audience that you know how to provide the information they need and want. You’ll only be able to grow on LinkedIn by providing value!

Posting on LinkedIn in 2022

If you’re posting on LinkedIn this year, make sure you’re authentic and consistent. Use these best practices and tips to focus on building a community!

Need help getting started or sticking with it? The Next Step Social Communications team would love to assist you. Schedule a free discovery call here.

Maria-Mirabela Ganta

Online Marketing Expert at Socialinsider | 🎙 Host The Life of a Social Media Manager


I love these insights, Katie. For me, LinkedIn is the go-to place for making new connections.

Dan Peterson

Husband. Father. Entrepreneur. Founder of FlipSwitch Social Media.


It's because Gary Vee pushes it so hard. He's a HUGE proponent of LI and people will do what he says. LinkedIn should pay him for it. Lol.

Tonia Martinez, Executive Recruiter - Outplacement - HR Consultant

Fractional Consultant | Executive Recruiter | Job Search Strategist | Founder | Trusted Partner | Board Director | Finding the Right Person for the Right Seat, the First Time Around


Thanks for these awesome tips Katie Brinkley!

Katie Brinkley great insight! LI is my only social media outlet. I prefer the professionalism and connecting great people!

Johnny Beane

YouTube rock music talk show host podcast guitarist musician Dakota and Muskogee Creek and citizen of the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe


Thank you for these great tips!

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