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Wild Life

by Daniel Isaiah

00:00 / 03:24
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From an interview with Revista Arte Brasileira:

What is this song about?

The song is about the joy of playing music. Music as a respite from the daily distractions.

What was your source of inspiration for writing this song?

It was a feeling rather than an idea. I felt a sense of freedom, of momentum, of pleasure in making this music.

Regarding the sound of the recording, what are your thoughts?

The performances on it are first and second takes. They’re just the unplanned, in-the-moment musical activity of the players. So the recording seems to have some of the ramshackle quality of the 90s indie bands that I grew up listening to.

Is there any story or curiosity about this launch?

Warren C. Spicer of Plants and Animals mixed the album in his laundry room, often with the washer on a spin cycle. I didn’t object. I mean, he’s got kids, and the laundry needed to get done. And the mixes sounded very fine when I listened back to them at home.

What does this song say about your career?

My songs don’t say anything about my career. I'm blessed to not be a touring musician. So I don't have any songs about airports or hotels or sound checks.


As the daylight dims
We cast shadows on a scrim
A reality so thin

And all I want is to live a wild life
And die a quiet death
In the arms of a melody to carry me home

We come together and separate
We’re all tied up in what we create
Our love, our hate

My head is crammed with crisis talk
Hand-me-down ideas and thoughts
Bad news I can’t use

Cuz all I want is to live a wild life
And die a quiet death
In the arms of a melody to carry me home

I am breathless and bare
Quite alone but not in despair
Beauty is everywhere

Will we ever get it straight?
Can we find a steady state
A higher vision to embrace

But all I want is to live a wild life
And die a quiet death
In the arms of a melody to carry me home


released October 24, 2023
Daniel Isaiah - vocals, acoustic guitar, piano
Warren C. Spicer - bass, electric guitar
Stefan Schneider - drums
Chris Flower - pedal steel

cover art by Emily Gan


all rights reserved



Daniel Isaiah Montreal, Québec

With every album I try to give myself some new challenge. For Only One Left, I learned how to produce my own recordings at home. For my upcoming LP I learned to play piano, and wrote all of the songs on that instrument. I work hard on the lyrics. I try to boil my ideas down into plain and simple language. The simpler the better. ... more

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