Our gift recommendations for the music lovers and audiophiles on your list this holiday season, hand-picked by the Qobuz USA Team






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Qobuz Streaming Gift Card — 3 months for $38.97, 6 months for $77.94, 12 months for $129.99


1. The jaimie branch Foundation

The jaimie branch Foundation is ensuring the energy, legacy, and power of jaimie branch live on. Her family and close friends are establishing the right organization or project. Details about this fund will be shared as they become available.

2. Memphis Listening Lab

Memphis Listening Lab is a curated collection of music and music history, a forum for music-related talks and performances, and a music education, appreciation, and experimentation space located in Crosstown Concourse. Currently, the Memphis Listening Lab’s collection consists of 35,000 45 rpm singles, 15,000 vinyl LPs, 25,000 CDs, 2000 books, and over 1000 unique pieces of musical history - all available to listen to and learn from for free. Now, over 100 million tracks in lossless and Hi-Res quality will be added to the library via Qobuz streaming.

3. Women In Music

Established in 1985, Women in Music is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization committed to advancing equality, visibility and opportunities for women in the musical arts through education, support, empowerment and recognition. A diverse global community, WIM encompasses chapters around the world—from LA to Japan.

4. Help Musicians Ukraine

Help Musicians Ukraine is a network of classical musicians who are helping support Ukrainian musicians and their families who have been displaced in the current crisis. They have developed a network of musical friends who can help arrange safe passage through Europe to residency places, further study or family and friends.

5. Women’s Audio Mission

Women’s Audio Mission is a San Francisco and Oakland-based recording studio and nonprofit dedicated to the advancement of women and gender-expansive people in music/audio production and creative technology, fields in which they are critically underrepresented.

6. Musicians on Call

It’s no secret that music can help you feel better. That’s why Musicians On Call brings music to the people who need it most – hospital patients. Musicians On Call brings live and recorded music to the bedsides of patients, families and caregivers in healthcare environments. By delivering live, in-room performances to patients undergoing treatment or unable to leave their beds, we add a dose of joy to life in a healthcare facility.